"Be with the truthful ones. When they are seen Allah is remembered."
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Sunday, 3 November 2013
resurfacing: OOTD
Guess whose back...
Alhamdulilaah (All praise be to God) I can finally say with utter and total confidence that I have my life back.... With exams and practicals out of the way I finally have time to actually sit down and enjoy things in life other than studying ( yes we should be grateful that we getting the opportunity to study).... as I was saying enjoy things such as blogging,shopping, family time, field trips and of course NOVELS and ME-TIME. Gosh I cant remember the last time I went to the local library to get a book... let alone read a book other than prescribed textbooks.
Anyway... I decided to do my come back with an outfit of the day look I mean what better way to make a come back than with a out fit post. Hope you enjoy :)
Alhamdulilaah (All praise be to God) I can finally say with utter and total confidence that I have my life back.... With exams and practicals out of the way I finally have time to actually sit down and enjoy things in life other than studying ( yes we should be grateful that we getting the opportunity to study).... as I was saying enjoy things such as blogging,shopping, family time, field trips and of course NOVELS and ME-TIME. Gosh I cant remember the last time I went to the local library to get a book... let alone read a book other than prescribed textbooks.
Anyway... I decided to do my come back with an outfit of the day look I mean what better way to make a come back than with a out fit post. Hope you enjoy :)
From me and my shadow........Always keep smiling
Friday, 11 October 2013
dear friend, take me by the hand and lead the way
Asalaamu Alaikum sweet peas...
I'm hoping the start to your weekend's are going well. If not, then I suggest we drastically do something about it. As for me, this weekend I'll be working as usual. With one week left until my final exam for the academic year I need to utilize all the weekends I get.
Having said that I shall now begin the topic of this post.
"But you run back and forth listening for unusual events,
peering into the faces of travellers.
Why are you looking at me like a madman?
I have lost a friend please forgive me."
- Rumi
It was 2011-2012 when I came across these four lines. At that time I was in a mess, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Alhamdulilaah (all praise be to Allah) through those months of trials, tears and tissues I met so many amazing people. Although these people came from different social backgrounds and ethnic groups they gave me the strength and courage to overcome whatever I was facing. Sometimes I would listen to their stories and it would be as if they knew exactly what was in my heart without me having to say it. When I look back I feel like those months were the most realistic days of my life, days where I was in utter pain yet going down on my prayer mat made me so content not only with my situation but with everything in my life. It was those very people that really made me understand what the above four lines meant. Now a year later after reading these four lines again I realise that wherever I am, I'm always on the lookout for these people as I did not have the chance to truly thank them for what they have done.
I was lost and you found me. For that I'm forever in your debt...
I'm hoping the start to your weekend's are going well. If not, then I suggest we drastically do something about it. As for me, this weekend I'll be working as usual. With one week left until my final exam for the academic year I need to utilize all the weekends I get.
Having said that I shall now begin the topic of this post.
"But you run back and forth listening for unusual events,
peering into the faces of travellers.
Why are you looking at me like a madman?
I have lost a friend please forgive me."
- Rumi
It was 2011-2012 when I came across these four lines. At that time I was in a mess, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Alhamdulilaah (all praise be to Allah) through those months of trials, tears and tissues I met so many amazing people. Although these people came from different social backgrounds and ethnic groups they gave me the strength and courage to overcome whatever I was facing. Sometimes I would listen to their stories and it would be as if they knew exactly what was in my heart without me having to say it. When I look back I feel like those months were the most realistic days of my life, days where I was in utter pain yet going down on my prayer mat made me so content not only with my situation but with everything in my life. It was those very people that really made me understand what the above four lines meant. Now a year later after reading these four lines again I realise that wherever I am, I'm always on the lookout for these people as I did not have the chance to truly thank them for what they have done.
I was lost and you found me. For that I'm forever in your debt...
Monday, 23 September 2013
Cycling through life
Asalaamu alaikum my lovelies
I came across this lovely saying below whilst browsing facebook early this month. I thought of sharing it with you guys for various reasons.
Number one I cannot but love the girlshness of this image.
Number two,
Im currently completing an assignment due Wednesday.
For some reason this assignment has been so draining.
There was times where I actually felt like giving up.
I pushed on. The third reason for sharing this image is to test out mobile
So if this post looks horrible you know mobile blogging aint for me
I came across this lovely saying below whilst browsing facebook early this month. I thought of sharing it with you guys for various reasons.
Number one I cannot but love the girlshness of this image.
Number two,
Im currently completing an assignment due Wednesday.
For some reason this assignment has been so draining.
There was times where I actually felt like giving up.
I pushed on. The third reason for sharing this image is to test out mobile
So if this post looks horrible you know mobile blogging aint for me
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
assignments, colour to my life
Asalaamu Alaikum Dearies
Hope the start to this week has been kind to you all. As for me, I've returned to campus after a week of holiday and honestly I feel like retreating back to last weeks days of sunshine and me time.
But as we all know time belongs to no one. With five weeks left until my final exams for the academic year and heaps of assignments still waiting to be completed I'm trying to utilise all of my time effectively.
With that said, I'm leaving you lovelies with and outfit post taken of me enjoying being care free during the last day of my holiday.
Remember to keep smiling
Until next time insha Allah
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
soon to be SPRING
Asalaamu Alaikum Dears
Spring.... The month of endless sunshine, chirping birds, cool breezes and blossoming flowers that makes fields look like rainbows.
In spirit of this beautiful season I've assembled some items that I feel are key to my every spring outfit. After all, a girl can never go wrong with a pair of sunnies, a statement scarf and a string of pearls.

Spring.... The month of endless sunshine, chirping birds, cool breezes and blossoming flowers that makes fields look like rainbows.
In spirit of this beautiful season I've assembled some items that I feel are key to my every spring outfit. After all, a girl can never go wrong with a pair of sunnies, a statement scarf and a string of pearls.
With the changing of the season lets ask Allah (God) to not only change our condition through improving, increasing and strengthening our Taqwa (God consciousness) and Imaan (Faith) but to also change the condition of those that are in poverty, debt, war and every other kind of difficult situation.
Ameem thoema Ameen.
Happy spring ladies
Thursday, 15 August 2013
In My Shawls-Nur Fatin for WWWH
Asalaamu Alaikum lovelies
Long time no see hey. I bet you guys thoughts I'm skipping out from the blogging realm once again (-_^).... Even though its been a week since Eid passed us by, I would still like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a blessed and happy month of Shawwaal and a very belated Eid Mubarak. I hope all of our Eids were in some way a joyous one even if it was only for a split second. Unfortunately, I wont be posting any Eid photographs as the quality of the photographs wasn't what I hoped and thought. What do you say we get down to business before I start rambling again.
So today's post is about a young muslimah that is residing in Singapore, Nur Fatin that you lovelies can check out and DEFINTELY follow on In My Shawls. Basically this post is under the title WWWH (Whose Who in the World of Hijaab). An initiative of mine that I started last year but as you all can tell I haven't been maintaining very well. So just to recap in WWWH I post different looks of different muslimahs that I find as in inspiration to me.
If you wondering why Nur Fatin or what exactly about her inspires me check out these photographs below
Long time no see hey. I bet you guys thoughts I'm skipping out from the blogging realm once again (-_^).... Even though its been a week since Eid passed us by, I would still like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a blessed and happy month of Shawwaal and a very belated Eid Mubarak. I hope all of our Eids were in some way a joyous one even if it was only for a split second. Unfortunately, I wont be posting any Eid photographs as the quality of the photographs wasn't what I hoped and thought. What do you say we get down to business before I start rambling again.
So today's post is about a young muslimah that is residing in Singapore, Nur Fatin that you lovelies can check out and DEFINTELY follow on In My Shawls. Basically this post is under the title WWWH (Whose Who in the World of Hijaab). An initiative of mine that I started last year but as you all can tell I haven't been maintaining very well. So just to recap in WWWH I post different looks of different muslimahs that I find as in inspiration to me.
If you wondering why Nur Fatin or what exactly about her inspires me check out these photographs below
If you still wondering why this gorgeous muslimah inspires me then here it is.. Besides her love for fashion and modesty that she displays very beautifully her outfits are very do-able. Its quick,easy, very girlish , elegant , some what simple and she looks comfortable. Simply put shes not overdone. What really has me going is that she recycles here and there which for me is feasible and practical.
Until next time, stay happy regardless of the test you in. Remember it couldve been worse and Allahs always by our side
keep smiling
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
our last breath, inevitable, sudden and i pray to GOD it goes when HE's on my mind
Asalaamu Alaikum my sweetpea's
As you all can tell from my greeting, I am indeed in a very good mood today Alhamdulilaah. However the reason for that is completely unknown. Heck! Maybe it is the fact that I've gotten an early start or the fact that I'm doing another blog post in a space of one week. Whatever it is, I'm truly grateful Alahmdulilaah for getting another opportunity to smile and feel all whimsical. Despite the fact that after this post I'll be working frantically on an assignment that's due this coming Thursday- which could be Eid ...
Enough rambling (.*_*.) Today I would just like to share a saying of a wise sheikh that I came across whilst reading "and THE SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT" by Sister Amatullah Armstrong.
" Allah, make me never forget that the breath that goes in my chest
may never come out.
Do not make me arrogant enough that if I lift my one foot I assume the other is going to follow."
-Shaykh Ali Zain-al Abidin
I read these four simple but powerful lines a couple of days ago. Now I'm constantly thinking about my uncle who had to go to hospital. Yes I have been aware of sickness and death but these four lines coupled with my uncle's sickness has really put SICKNESS and DEATH in perspective. For how long I'll be like this I dont know. But I pray and hope insha Allah that Allah blesses each and everyone of us to constantly be reminded of death as I find I'm much closer to Him.
lets keep smiling
As you all can tell from my greeting, I am indeed in a very good mood today Alhamdulilaah. However the reason for that is completely unknown. Heck! Maybe it is the fact that I've gotten an early start or the fact that I'm doing another blog post in a space of one week. Whatever it is, I'm truly grateful Alahmdulilaah for getting another opportunity to smile and feel all whimsical. Despite the fact that after this post I'll be working frantically on an assignment that's due this coming Thursday- which could be Eid ...
Enough rambling (.*_*.) Today I would just like to share a saying of a wise sheikh that I came across whilst reading "and THE SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT" by Sister Amatullah Armstrong.
" Allah, make me never forget that the breath that goes in my chest
may never come out.
Do not make me arrogant enough that if I lift my one foot I assume the other is going to follow."
-Shaykh Ali Zain-al Abidin
I read these four simple but powerful lines a couple of days ago. Now I'm constantly thinking about my uncle who had to go to hospital. Yes I have been aware of sickness and death but these four lines coupled with my uncle's sickness has really put SICKNESS and DEATH in perspective. For how long I'll be like this I dont know. But I pray and hope insha Allah that Allah blesses each and everyone of us to constantly be reminded of death as I find I'm much closer to Him.
lets keep smiling
Saturday, 27 July 2013
flowers in the rain
Asalaamu Alaikum my lovelies
Long time no see hey...... I hope and pray that the Almighty has kept everyone safe since the last time we've had the opportunity to speak/ blog.....hmmm I think the word Im looking for is catch up (.*_*.) blushing face. As usual my course has once again taken over my life. But this is me trying to dust the cob webs from my beloved blog and hopefully be the start of a series of new fresh, inspiring blog posts.
Do you see the white on the ground???? That's actually hail. Yip it was hailing and I decided to dress up and play barbie when in actual fact I was suppose to be studying....I just couldnt resist going out side. Feeling the cold wind against my face, playing with my scarf and brightly coloured floral dress. It was so refreshing alhamdulilaah. I might even have inspired the sun to come out (In my dreams) because after a while the weather cleared up and the sun's rays starting melting the hail.
until next time
lets keep smiling its a sunnah
ps. Really sorry for the dullness of the last photograph.I was sitting directly in the sun when this photograph was taken and I didn't want to edit anything for a change
Long time no see hey...... I hope and pray that the Almighty has kept everyone safe since the last time we've had the opportunity to speak/ blog.....hmmm I think the word Im looking for is catch up (.*_*.) blushing face. As usual my course has once again taken over my life. But this is me trying to dust the cob webs from my beloved blog and hopefully be the start of a series of new fresh, inspiring blog posts.
Do you see the white on the ground???? That's actually hail. Yip it was hailing and I decided to dress up and play barbie when in actual fact I was suppose to be studying....I just couldnt resist going out side. Feeling the cold wind against my face, playing with my scarf and brightly coloured floral dress. It was so refreshing alhamdulilaah. I might even have inspired the sun to come out (In my dreams) because after a while the weather cleared up and the sun's rays starting melting the hail.
until next time
lets keep smiling its a sunnah
ps. Really sorry for the dullness of the last photograph.I was sitting directly in the sun when this photograph was taken and I didn't want to edit anything for a change
Sunday, 7 April 2013
lets get it out there
okay, where to start......
right .....
i know i havent been much of a blogger since i started this blog. the thing is, blogging and me dont seem to go together very well. i find that i either ramble on and on about pointless things, i try to make it likeable so i repost things like fashion trends and who knows what else. Then theres my self esteem. Yes this two letter word that seems to be a total pain in the rear too many times in ones short life. No, i dont lack self esteem or suffer from any self esteem issues its just that i dont want people i know to know me like really know me. know my interests and all that. no i dont thrive on being mysterious but i dont want to be that blogger girl that shares all of her thoughts and emotions in a post. i want to be that blogger girl that speaks about valid things like freedom, oppression, dignity and share my true feelings and thoughts about that. for some reason i feel like im failing that. im failing myself in succumbing to the caring what others think syndrome.i write something and i end up deleting it after rereading the preview thinking ooh this is too offensive ooh this isnt that polite ahh maybe people that knows me will think what the hell this aint her. ergggg!!!
So, from today forth I shall try to be true to the real me and hopefully not delete this post in a days time. The me that does things in accordance to my beliefs, not allowing my fears to come in the way, in doing things the way it suites me and not giving a darn about what others think after that.
Thanks for listening and sorry for going all emo on you in this post.
right .....
i know i havent been much of a blogger since i started this blog. the thing is, blogging and me dont seem to go together very well. i find that i either ramble on and on about pointless things, i try to make it likeable so i repost things like fashion trends and who knows what else. Then theres my self esteem. Yes this two letter word that seems to be a total pain in the rear too many times in ones short life. No, i dont lack self esteem or suffer from any self esteem issues its just that i dont want people i know to know me like really know me. know my interests and all that. no i dont thrive on being mysterious but i dont want to be that blogger girl that shares all of her thoughts and emotions in a post. i want to be that blogger girl that speaks about valid things like freedom, oppression, dignity and share my true feelings and thoughts about that. for some reason i feel like im failing that. im failing myself in succumbing to the caring what others think syndrome.i write something and i end up deleting it after rereading the preview thinking ooh this is too offensive ooh this isnt that polite ahh maybe people that knows me will think what the hell this aint her. ergggg!!!
So, from today forth I shall try to be true to the real me and hopefully not delete this post in a days time. The me that does things in accordance to my beliefs, not allowing my fears to come in the way, in doing things the way it suites me and not giving a darn about what others think after that.
Thanks for listening and sorry for going all emo on you in this post.
smile, breath and step out from behind the shadows created by yourself
Bismilaah Hier Rahmaan Nier Raheem(In the name of God)
here I go...
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Rabbi- ul Awwal kareem OR shall i say spring kareem : P
So incase you didn't know Rabbi ul Awwal actually means the Beginning of spring, hence the title of this post.
Anyhoo....Here is some facts about Rabbi ul Awwal I thought we should know:
-Birth of our beloved prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him)
-The emigration to Madina
-The death of prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him)'s grandfather, Abdul Mutalib(R.A-may Allah be pleased with him)
-The marriage of prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him to Lady Khadija(R.A-may Allah be pleased with her)
p.s Keep smiling lovelies...
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Thursday, 10 January 2013
obstacles and steadfastness
Surah 2 verse 155
" And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger
and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,"
Surah 2 verse 156
"Who, when disaster strikes them,say, "Indeed we belong to Allah,
and indeed to Him we will return."
Keep on smiling, as it is an act of charity.Jumu-ah Mubarak
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Alhamdulilaah! Another post another day...
Today is the start of yet another series of changes, like all of my episodes of change it always starts by me cleaning out my surroundings. As I was rummaging through old photos and books I came across some illustrations I made in my past. For someone that hates mocking hence me avoiding comedians, I realised that all of my illustrations are caricatures.Although non of my caricatures are intended at a specific person, race or culture. I am not even entirely sure if these illustrations would go for caricatures, what I know for sure is I tend to exaggerate certain facial features or garments.The strange thing is(as if someone that hates mocking that draws caricatures is not strange enough) all of these illustrations I drew unintentionally. I always start out by making something really random and shapeless, eventually I see something in it and without thinking it transforms.
What stands out is how each illustration tells a different story, a story that is based on change. Alhamdulilaah now I see that somehow through an unimaginable way finding these illustrations right now is exactly what i need. Its a reminder that change is part of life regardless of how hard change can sometimes be. In the end with every change there is a new story to tell and in my case a new illustration to be drawn.
suppose to be my future husband :P, what was I thinking? I have no idea lol
Today is the start of yet another series of changes, like all of my episodes of change it always starts by me cleaning out my surroundings. As I was rummaging through old photos and books I came across some illustrations I made in my past. For someone that hates mocking hence me avoiding comedians, I realised that all of my illustrations are caricatures.Although non of my caricatures are intended at a specific person, race or culture. I am not even entirely sure if these illustrations would go for caricatures, what I know for sure is I tend to exaggerate certain facial features or garments.The strange thing is(as if someone that hates mocking that draws caricatures is not strange enough) all of these illustrations I drew unintentionally. I always start out by making something really random and shapeless, eventually I see something in it and without thinking it transforms.
What stands out is how each illustration tells a different story, a story that is based on change. Alhamdulilaah now I see that somehow through an unimaginable way finding these illustrations right now is exactly what i need. Its a reminder that change is part of life regardless of how hard change can sometimes be. In the end with every change there is a new story to tell and in my case a new illustration to be drawn.
suppose to be my future husband :P, what was I thinking? I have no idea lol
No! They aren't kissing(^_^). Seriously they aren't. It is two admirers that decided they could no longer speak to each other as their feelings for each other could get in the way of their chastity and therefore destroy their Iman( faith). Their silence is the barrier between them yet their love continuously grows.
Nervous wreck-drew this while I was reviewing my bio book before my final exam
And lastly
Arm-less jester.
Hope you enjoy my illustrations as much as I do
Smile-until next time
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
2013 = gratefullness,forgiveness,ambition, character and faith
Peace, Blessings and Mercy upon all or should I rather say Asalaamu Alaikum warahmatullah
As you have all guessed this post is about 2013,which alhamdulilaah I hope and pray we have all reached peacefully. Instead of my usual New Years resolution ramblings where I make a wish list comprising mostly of items I don't really need but really want and make a point to get, I thought of turning my New Years resolution into a Dua (supplication) instead. So here it goes....
O'Allah, most merciful most gracious As we step into this new year with much excitement and vigor
cautiously peeping from behind the delights and heartache of the previous year
Grant us to become firstly better in faith and in character, using these to ultimately become better in behaviour.
Grant us the ability to be ambitious and confident but not arrogant and self destructive
Grant us the ability to be sincere and forgiving but not weak or cowardly
Grant us the ability to be brave, bold and daring but not foolish
Open our eyes, hearts and faculties to the endless favours, signs and mercy you bestow on us on a daily basis.
Humble us when it is needed and
wrench us back to your path when we go astray
Insha Allah Aameen
As you have all guessed this post is about 2013,which alhamdulilaah I hope and pray we have all reached peacefully. Instead of my usual New Years resolution ramblings where I make a wish list comprising mostly of items I don't really need but really want and make a point to get, I thought of turning my New Years resolution into a Dua (supplication) instead. So here it goes....
O'Allah, most merciful most gracious As we step into this new year with much excitement and vigor
cautiously peeping from behind the delights and heartache of the previous year
Grant us to become firstly better in faith and in character, using these to ultimately become better in behaviour.
Grant us the ability to be ambitious and confident but not arrogant and self destructive
Grant us the ability to be sincere and forgiving but not weak or cowardly
Grant us the ability to be brave, bold and daring but not foolish
Open our eyes, hearts and faculties to the endless favours, signs and mercy you bestow on us on a daily basis.
Humble us when it is needed and
wrench us back to your path when we go astray
Insha Allah Aameen
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