Saturday, 16 June 2012

ending semesters assessments with a PAISLEY SHIRT

Phew!!! Alhamdulilaah my mid year assessments are finally over. Seeing that its officially the beginning of my holiday kind of, I decided to treat myself for the past weeks freak outs and a month of hectically insane study sessions that saw me sitting at home every weekend while the rest of the world kept on spinning. I popped into some of the charity shops in Observatory, Cape Town simply feasting my eyes on the vintage goodies that was on offer before going into my regular shops.
No suprise what-so-ever!!! I found a vintage paisley shirt. I immediately needed it not wanted it, it was a DIRE NEED. 
This is me: paisley shirt (O0)
checking the price: What?..... is this the price 20 bucks?..... Are these people insane
Double checking by asking the assistant: Yip this is the price 20 bucks....SCORE (^_^)

Paisley shirt- SHAWCO charity shop
Plain back Abayah worn as dress- home made
Bangles- Mr Price
Scarf- Shireen's



Ghadeer said...

Pretty :)
And mabrook for getting done!

splice said...

shukran(blushing). I'm only finished with the first semester dear

Annisa Mulia Razali said...

Beautiful :)

splice said...

@ Annisa mulia thanks dear(^_^), btw love your blog