Saturday 17 March 2012

indigenous me

Found this purple tye-die scarf in my draw. Mum bought it a couple of years ago but I never really liked it because its so big. I didn't really know how to drape it. Decided to have a go at it today seeing that I like the colour combination. I ended up draping it around half of my body trying to wrap it the way my sisters from upper Africa does. They seem to wear it so effortlessly. After a couple of miserable failures this is what I came up with.

What do you think? Do I do justice to this look?

Friday 16 March 2012

O lean lovers

The threshold of His tent became the amber of the lovers-
O lean lovers, make yourself like a piece of lean straw
                                                             Sheikh Rumi 
There's something dreamy about this Subhaan Allah.  :)  Im in love

inevitable alterations before big events

Alhamdulilaah! I finally have a bit of time to update my blog. I haven't really prepared anything so excuse you for the grammatical errors or the inconsistency of the entire post. I'll just be sharing a couple of poor quality photos I took earlier in the year of a  friend of mine having her dress altered by my dearest mother, literally minutes before the wedding she went to started. Watching this whole alteration taking place I realised that I'm in this very nerve wrecking position before most big events I attend, especially on Eid mornings. I literally fight with my hijaab to stay in place.Its like of all the days I need it to look perfect it doesn't. My heads response to my continuous moaning is its compulsory to wear a scarf not compulsory to have it in a particular style. Obviously this only settles me for a couple of minutes and then Im off to fix my hijaab.


Saturday 3 March 2012

dear sisters you are my form of inspiration

My first post in 5 weeks.So far this is the longest I have ever taken to update my blog. Im currently a freshman in a medical course- radiography to be more specific. I'm still learning to adjust to the life of a student even though I have been studying the last two years. Theres something tranquil, magical yet realistic about Islamic studies. Its not that the medical field isn't beneficial or realistic but my mind and soul hasn't really felt content with what I've been doing. I felt like giving up to some extent, not that I would give up to anything this quickly but thats how I felt. I needed some sort of inspiration. Anything to life my spirit. Give me that extra nudge that I so desperately needed. As I sit on the grass, among fellow students, staff and patients I see this familiar face.Well not familiar as in Hey ..... I know you , long time no see. No, its familiar as in Asalaamu alaikum dear sister. Subhaanallah the sight of a hijaabster lifted the suffocating air filled space that surrounded me. I saw this sister from a distance our eyes partially met but seeing her....a hijaabster, happily walking proudly made me realize that this is an opportunity that Allah swt has given me. He chose me out of thousand of applicants and His plan is always the best plan even when it doesn't look that way. I have no idea how and why she had that affect on me but she did. In this strange way she reminded me of why I started blogging and where I needed to turn to to see familiar faces and draw encouragement from, along with my non stop duas. All I needed to do was continue blogging. Continue following and eagerly awaiting post updates from fellow bloggers. They gave me this vision of what a muslim female could achieve in a tiring world without compromising her religion. Rather using her religion to guide her, aid her in achieving her dreams.
To My Sisters In Islam
Thank you, all of you,  for placing the fragments of glass together and painting a picture for me to look at whenever I feel that Im drowning.