Tuesday 3 April 2012

veilings of the indigenous

I'm finding myself with each day that passes becoming more and more vigorously in IN LOVE with art. I'm not an artist but I do so every now and then produce caricatures of acceptable quality either of  people that I've met along the way or people that I  feel that I've some connection with. That is basically the essence of art, a connection that allows you to appreciate the beauty of it. ANYWAY...
There's this little cafe within the hospital I'm studying at,  and within the cafe there's this man that sits and paints. I haven't been able to speak to him because I'm always in a hurry or I'm there when his not,  but I have been able to capture two paintings of his that I want with all of my heart.

Of the two, the second one is my favourite. The intensity of her eyes tells a story of its own, a story shes not willing to share. Maybe that of sorry and despair. The colours of her hijaab awww man and the way it's wrapped how can you not love it.

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