Tuesday 1 January 2013

2013 = gratefullness,forgiveness,ambition, character and faith

Peace, Blessings and Mercy upon all or should I rather say Asalaamu Alaikum warahmatullah
As you have all guessed this post is about 2013,which alhamdulilaah I hope and pray we have all reached peacefully. Instead of my usual New Years resolution ramblings where I make a wish list comprising mostly of items I don't really need but really want and make a point to get, I thought of turning my New Years resolution into a Dua (supplication) instead. So here it goes....

                                                       O'Allah, most merciful most gracious                                                            As we step into this new year with much excitement and vigor
cautiously peeping from behind the delights and heartache of the previous year
Grant us to become firstly better in faith and in character, using these to ultimately become better in behaviour.
Grant us the ability to be ambitious and confident but not arrogant and self destructive
Grant us the ability to be sincere and forgiving but not weak or cowardly
Grant us the ability to be brave, bold and daring but not foolish
Open our eyes, hearts and faculties to the endless favours, signs and mercy you bestow on us on a daily basis.
Humble us when it is needed and
wrench us back to your path when we go astray
                                                                       Insha Allah Aameen